What is a vector version of an image?
To be more specific, a vector graphic is a type of artwork that consists of points, lines, and curves derived from mathematical equations rather than pixels that are solid-colored squares. Therefore, when the artist changes the size of any vector drawing, the lines, curves, and points will remain perfectly smooth. In this way, artists can enlarge an image to create large format prints, banners, and dimensional letters without problems.
What is a vector image used for?
Vector images are useful for large format reproduction of any sort. The image is geometric lines and curves, as opposed to pixels. For this reason, artists can use vector images with CNC machines and laser cutters to manufacture letters and dimensional signs of any size. For example, devices can router large letters with smooth edges. Likewise, vinyl cutters can produce large lettering for signs and vehicles. In short, the size of vector images can increase infinitely, but there is no loss of resolution.
Vector Conversion Services
Vectorize My Logo. Send us your low-resolution logo, and we will give you a price upfront for our service. The process is time-consuming. If your logo is complex, we will compile an estimate based on hourly design time and intended usage. Please note that vector drawings we create belong to us unless we convey the usage rights by agreement and sale.
How to make my logo Vector? (Vectorize My Logo)
Please send us your logo or image , and let us vectorize it for you. Generally, we provide this service to customers who will be purchasing signs from our shop. Depending on the level of detail and difficulty involved, this service can cost anywhere from $100 to $500.

We vectorize your logo quickly and professionally. However, some symbols have a lot of detail and require quite a bit of time to finish well. Often, when we are starting with a very low-resolution image, more line editing is needed. Vector lines can be pretty rough after conversion and need to be smooth one by one using bezier editing tools.
Vectorize My Logo Now!
Please send us your logo today and get it vectorized quickly, with the help of Designs & Signs!
We make more custom vector logos.