Interior Murals painted by hand for Whole Foods Market. If you visit the Annapolis store, you’ll see this mural on the wall above the customer service booth as you are leaving the store. The project included many murals around the store. First, we review the designs and then do a site survey to get measurements. Next, we finalized the drawings before making our pounce patterns. At the same time, we gather our materials for the job, whatever paints are needed, brushes, pans, and buckets too. Next, we mark the walls with charcoal. To clarify, we use a small bag of charcoal patterns which pushed the powder through the holes of our pounce pattern. In this way, the design transfers accurately to the wall. Finally, we begin painting, and we don’t stop until we have finished your murals, touch-ups, and all!
Interior Architectural Murals!
We painted a genuinely unique mural at Bond Street Wharf in Baltimore City if you want to see something cool! It is one of the most extensive commercial murals in North America. This mural was quite an accomplishment for us, a feat of strength if you will! Comparatively, it is not like most of the architectural murals that we have installed over the years. However, despite its size, the process and approach remain the same.