Gold leaf film and vinyl lettering on a framed glass sign at Burr Yacht Sales in Edgewater, Maryland. We applied Etch-look vinyl (dusted crystal) to the second surface of the panel, which gives it the appearance of frosted glass. This is a desirable effect when working with glass; certainly an attractive option for any glass surface installation. We used premium black vinyl for the decorative corners and inline. Vinyl is useful for so many types of signs. For example, we letter vehicles, sign panels, shop windows, and boats with cast vinyl letters and logos. In fact, we can even put vinyl lettering on a life ring for your luxury yacht.
We also letter a lot of Fleming transoms at Burr Yacht Sales. For example, here are a few links to some of those boat lettering projects and other vinyl lettering installations. We only use premium cast Avery vinyl because our signs need to resist the sun and rain. In short, quality always pays off. Instead of worrying, we can complete our installations knowing that the sign will remain in good shape for years to come. Happy customers are absolutely what we desire.